zoso blog, un blog de vali petcu

Cel mai citit blog din România. Articole despre social media, chestii politice, sociale şi amuzante.


This website zoso.ro currently has an average traffic classification of sixty-four thousand four hundred and seventy-six (the lower the more traffic). We have evaluated thirty-three pages inside the domain zoso.ro and found five thousand six hundred and eighteen websites interfacing with zoso.ro. There is five mass web sites possessed by zoso.ro.
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This website zoso.ro has seen alternating levels of traffic all round the year. Oddly enough, the site had a ranking in the past twenty-four hours of sixty-four thousand four hundred and seventy-six.
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Desktop Screenshot of zoso.ro Mobile Screenshot of zoso.ro Tablet Screenshot of zoso.ro


I observed that a lone root page on zoso.ro took four hundred and thirty-four milliseconds to come up. I could not discover a SSL certificate, so in conclusion we consider zoso.ro not secure.
Load time
0.434 seconds
Internet Address


I diagnosed that this domain is employing the LiteSpeed os.


zoso blog, un blog de vali petcu


Cel mai citit blog din România. Articole despre social media, chestii politice, sociale şi amuzante.


This website zoso.ro has the following in the web page, "Cumva, am dat like paginii lui ștefan bănică." Our analyzers viewed that the webpage also stated " nu țin minte să fi făcut asta vreodată." The Website also said " Sâmbătă, 15 August 2015. BMW are reduceri de prețuri. La Galați, oraș cunoscut pentru băieții care lipesc două mașini atât de bine încât fraierii cred când citesc nouă, fără accident, acte valabile. Sâmbătă, 15 August 2015. ar fi dacă ar fi. Vineri, 14 August 2015. Radu Georgescu și cartoful fierbinte Bitcoin. Vineri, 14 August 2015. Vineri, 14 August 2015. După ce vedeți accidentul, de." The website's header had zoso as the most important search term. It is followed by vali petcu, blog, and blogosfera which isn't as highly ranked as zoso. The next words they used was .


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My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama. Shining the spotlight on those forgotten players. Tuesday, January 4, 2011. Welcome to my first blog post of 2011. This time round, I have decided to shine the spotlight on the great Richard Thompson. And Meet On The Ledge. Was a classic, its songs full of stoical imagery, Victorian gloom and somber tales.

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Fittingly, I think it should occur on the first Sunday of February, or whatever Sunday the Super Bowl happens to be on that year. I have chosen this date from a pool of many since I feel it creates more bandwangoneers than any other.